Drafts for New Local Government Agency Schedules, Part 2

Continuing with our series of posts publicizing the drafts for local government schedules that will go live in 2020, we have drafts ready for two more updates.  The Street Maintenance, Public Works, and Engineering draft will be one section of an update applying to municipalities and county administrations.  The Local Education Agency draft will apply to all public schools and charter schools.

Because the Local Education Agency schedule was last fully updated in 1999, changes to the schedule were substantive enough that tracking them in a Word file proved needlessly convoluted.  So, accompanying the schedule draft is a draft to the change log that will be published alongside it.  It is current to all of the changes in the posted draft.

The draft to the Street Maintenance, Public Works, and Engineering section update is not as complicated and has changes tracked.  A full change log will be published alongside the final update.


If you have any questions or comments on these drafts, please email me at Emily.Sweitzer@ncdcr.gov.  I look forward to receiving your feedback.