State Archives Summer Office Hours Announcement

The Records Analysis Unit at State Archives is excited to announce a series of virtual Summer Office Hours! Each session has a theme, is about an hour long, and meant to be a bit more open-ended than our workshops. In other words, they can serve as much more of a conversation between our team and all of you.  Each of our Summer Office Hours will be hosted as Microsoft Teams Meetings and will not require prior registration. You can attend as many or as few sessions as you like. 

But what are the session themes, you may be asking?

Session 1: Law Enforcement Records on Wednesday, June 5th at 10:00am

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Let’s talk law enforcement records! The Records Analysis Unit will provide you with information on what schedules local government law enforcement agencies need to follow, as well as covering unique records management topics concerning law enforcement records and under what conditions it is appropriate to scan and destroy law enforcement records.

Session 2: Public Records Requests on Tuesday, June 18th at 2:00pm

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The Records Analysis Unit will give an overview of public records requests in North Carolina. This will include commonly asked questions concerning charges, confidentiality, formats, and access. This session is intended for any for State and Local Government Employees that handle Public Records Requests.

Session 3: Administration Changes on Thursday, July 18th at 10:00am

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If your agency’s administration is coming to an end and you have questions about what to do with your records, come meet with the State Archives Records Analysts during our office hours and we will answer your questions. We will also discuss working with your Records Analyst and managing your records in advance of an administration change.

Session 4: Transfer of State Records on Thursday, July 25th at 2:00pm

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Do you need to know the process to transfer North Carolina State Agency records to the State Records Center? State Records Analysts will provide you with information for ordering supplies, boxing records, and transferring records for temporary or permanent storage. You will also be able to ask questions about the transfer of permanent electronic records. 

Session 5: Digital Transfer of Local Records & Microfilming on Tuesday, July 30th at 10:00am

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Want to learn more about transferring your digital minutes to the State Archives for microfilming? Come to our office hours to talk with a Records Management Analyst about the process. We’ll discuss the steps to transfer your minutes and answer all of your questions.

Session 6: Inventory as a Records Management Tool on Wednesday, August 14th at 2:00pm

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Want to learn why an inventory is one of the strongest records management tools? Come to our office hours to talk with a Records Management Analyst and hear why this is such a great tool and how your team can create an inventory. We’ll walk you through the process, share tips and tools, and answer all of your questions. 

Session 7: Electronic Records Policies on Tuesday, August 20th at 10:00am

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Want to learn more about electronic records policies? This office hours session is for you! We will cover what should be included in an electronic records policy and answer questions about the State Archives approval process.

Do you have any specific questions you’d like addressed in one of these sessions?  Submit your questions for the Summer Office Hours through our anonymous Microsoft form –

If you have any questions about the Summer Office Hours, please contact Kayla Leonard, Essential Records Analyst, at